Perky, Quirky, Smirky (2019)
Choreography by Christina Acosta
Commissioned by REVolutions Dance Company.
Originated by Stephanie Bastos, James Bowen, Sea Lee, Dwayne Scheuneman
Also performed by Julianna Mazza, Zoë Gallon, Caleb Baker, Marion Baldeon
Understudies: Jasmine Stone, Amadi Mazzo
This piece takes the audience on a fun filled journey into a wacky landscape of unconventional greetings, peculiar meet ups and out-of-this-world movement.
Performances Include:
- US State Department International Arts Envoy Exchange, Poland |2019
- Moving Current Dance Collective Concert, Tampa, FL |2019
- Forward Motion Conference, Miami, FL |2021
- IMMERSE Festival, Orlando, FL |2021
- Forward Motion Festival, Miami, FL |2021
- HCC Dance 20th Anniversary Gala, Tampa, FL |2021
- Beacon Dance, St. Petersburg, FL |2022

Photos by Tom Kramer from Performance at Beacon Dance